Sunday, November 15, 2015

Malandros: stretch goals + progress update

With some relief I see that the Malandros Kickstarter has reached the first two stretch goals featuring writers who aren't me. It wouldn't be the end of the world if we didn't get to them, of course, but when you approach people and they are kind enough to agree to write something for your project - not for free, granted, but still - it would seem a shame not to be able to follow through on it.

Funded stretch goals
Mark Galeotti will write Aluminium Wars, an alternate setting for the game based in 1990s Russia. It's all about the gangster-capitalists, crooked cops and politicians of the post-Soviet era in Krasnoyarsk, then the biggest centre of the aluminium industry in the world.

I have to confess to being rather nervous when I contacted Mark to ask if he'd like to write something for Malandros. If you read anything at all about Russian geopolitics, security and/or organised crime, you'll know he's kind of a big deal in those circles. So I felt like emailing him was kind of a long shot. You can imagine the warm approval-derived feelings I had when he replied with a 'this looks fun' message.

Paula Dempsey, whose to-be-named Victorian East End setting funded yesterday, is no less a big deal, of course. The Gold ENnie award-winning Paula Dempsey, I should say. But I have known Paula for quite a long time, so I knew I probably wouldn't get shot down for my temerity in asking.

This is the first time Paula and I will have worked together on a game product. I'm looking forward to it.

Upcoming stretch goals

£1400: Other Borders by Tod Foley

£1600: Gangs of Titan by Stras Acimovic

£TBA: Kingsport Shore by Steve Dempsey

Haven't backed yet? Now is a great time to do so!


In artwork news, Claytonian has been enthusiastically researching and sketching all kinds of Brazilian legends for the Supernatural Creatures supplement. For Josephe's Rio map, I am going through my files to collate various references and prepare an art brief. After the Kickstarter concludes I will be able to put in confirmed orders for the colour artwork and licensed photos. 


In terms of text and existing content, backers will get the PDF of the "basic" edition shortly after the Kickstarter closes. So I'm busy putting in the material that I wrote as a result of playtesting, as well as tidying up the layout so there are no more big "put artwork here" boxes on various pages.

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